each project should have a pom.xml that is the setting of maven.
Add dependency.
1 | <dependencies> |
This block of XML declares a list of dependencies for the project. Specifically, it declares a single dependency for the Joda Time library. Within the <dependency> element, the dependency coordinates are defined by three sub-elements:
- <groupId>-The group or organization that the dependency belongs to.
- <artifactId>- The library that is required.
- <version>-The specific version of the library that is required.
Creat a library package (such as JAR file),and install the library in the local Maven dependency repository.
When it finished,you should find the file in target/classes directory.
1 | mvn compile |
Package the code up in a JAR(setting in pom.xml) within the target directory.
The name of the JAR file will be baseed on the project’s <artifactId> and <version>.
1 | mvn package |
To execute the JAR file run:
1 | java -jar target/gs-maven-0.1.0.jar |
Maven also maintains a repository of dependencies on your local machine (usually in a .m2/repository directory in your home directory) for quick access to project dependencies. If you’d like to install your project’s JAR file to that local repository, then you should invoke the install goal:
1 | mvn install |
The install goal will compile, test, and package your project’s code and then copy it into the local dependency repository, ready for another project to reference it as a dependency.
Maven uses a plugin called “surefire” to run unit tests. The default configuration of this plugin compiles and runs all classes in src/test/java with a name matching *Test. You can run the tests on the command line like this.
1 | mvn test |
or just use mvn install step as we already showed above (there is a lifecycle definition where “test” is included as a stage in “install”).